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Hi. I'm Christa.

So glad you're here!


By day I'm the Area Director for Young Life in Northern Weld County. By nights and weekends and the moments between my busyness I'm an artist.


I started taking photos at age 15 in my high school black and white film photography class. What started as a fun elective turned into an insatiable passion to find beauty in the world around. I love taking photos of people, but even more I love to find beauty in unexpected places and capturing  it.


Photography has changed me. When you set out with a camera, you set out in search of beauty. And when you set out in serach of beauty, you are bound to find it. I've learned that even the most desolate places hold within it glory and goodness if we only have eyes to see. My camera has given me those eyes and every day is a new adventure filled with gratitude and hope.

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